History of St.Alphonsus’ High School
The silver coloured twilight at the horizon promises a silver day ahead in the long and testing years of the birth and growth of St.Alphonsus’ High School. Though the euphoria and adulation have not yet died down, it is time for retrospection and rededication to the stupendous task of reconstruction of the institution with a view to introspect. The Centenary takes pleasure in recalling the yeoman services rendered by all the Brothers to the institution since its inception in 1965. Started as an Anglo-vernacular school way back in 1965, it has over the years grown in stature and reputation as a prestigious institution in Andhra Pradesh. The institution has under gone an outstanding transformation physically and academically is quite obvious. Gandhiji has truly observed ‘the future and destiny of our country is shaped in the class room of today’.
The school has been making progressive strides ever since its inception adhering ardently and loyally to the set aspiration and ambitions of the founding fathers of this institution.
The Brothers of St.Gabriel who under took to manage the school, named it after Mgr.Alphonsus Beretta, the Bishop of Warangal.
In 1965, the school had a humble beginning under the stewardship of Rev. Bro. Eugenus along with four staff and 60 students. His successor Rev. Bro. George, the loving uncle looked after the construction of present building. Rev. Bro. Maurice a living legend for all his students and admirers, along with Rev. Bro. James gave the first cent percent S.S.C. results in 1969 and since then it came to be known as 100% school. A rapid stride of progress was made by the manual power of Rev. Bro. Augustinus a dignified brother during school hours and labourer in the half time. Anybody talking of Rev. Bro. Maurice and Rev. Bro. James speaks about Rev. Bro. Felix the pious and an excellent Counselor. The services rendered by Rev. Bro. Victor, Rev. Bro. James, Rev. Bro. Vitalis, Mr.Kireetaiah and Mr. Innaiah cannot be forgotten, since they are no more with us. Rev. Bro. James could be called as one of the main architects of the institution an also a good teacher and an able administrator. ‘May God bestow peace upon them all’. Rev. Bro. Jose Daniel brought a new life to school by introducing educational reforms. To perpetuate the memory of Rev. Bro.Victor ‘Victor Memorial Tournament’ was started in 1975 which was a modest affair in the beginning, later years it attracted not only the educational institutions of Nalgonda but also from other districts. It later took the name ‘Montfort Tournament ‘ in 1980. The Telugu medium sections were started in 1975 under the management of Rev. Bro. Jose Daniel for the benefit of the poor and dropouts. The first Telugu medium S.S.C. batch gave a 94% by sending 54 students. The school was blessed with excellent hostel building for which Mother Teresa laid the foundation stone in 1979. Under the captaincy of Rev. Bro. K.M.Joseph, the school has risen in sports and games. The physical structure of the school is changed with the addition of hostel building and an extension of Brother quarters. The birth of primary school had taken place and the admissions are in big demand even now. The successor Rev. Bro. Thomas Reddy who had toiled to shape and mould this institution, on the set patterns of a model school. He was instrumental in giving shape to the compound and constructed the first floor of the school building. He never seemed to be in hurry but got his work done in time. Nobody saw him getting angry under any provocation. He is indeed, gentleperson to the core. Rev. Bro. Mathew N.C. had taken over the office with a brave heart that is a match against all kinds of challenges, anxieties and vexations that are the warp woof of managerial actions. The year 1992 is a remarkable and a historical year for the institution. The school is very happy to have Rev. Bro. Baltha Raju to celebrate the silver jubilee year of the school. It’s quite appropriate that its privilege comes to him with his emphasis on discipline and academic excellence.
The institution proudly engraves letters in gold, the achievement of two of our students Master. G. Dheeraj Prasanna and Master M. Ashwin Kumar who secured the 4th and 8th State Rank in S.S.C. public examinations held in March 1992. In 1993 Rev. Bro. Mathew K. Alexander aimed at excavating the latent talents of the students and helping them in performing better as they take part in co-curricular activities and competitions. Under his leadership the students performed brilliantly in all the competitions held in and outside the school.
The school flag fluttered high during the rein of an experienced, pious and humble Rev. Bro. Celestine in 1995 with all pride and dignity. His innovative and creative thoughts placed curricular and co-curricular activities at a high level. In his era the school lifted the runners up trophy in the Literary and Cultural Competitions held at All Saints, Hyderabad.
During the period of Rev.Bro. Chacko, the institution received recognition in every field. The discipline was good and the results were excellent.
The school has risen meteorically in academics, planning and administration during the period of Rev. Bro. Pratap reddy. During his tenure the auditorium and the Centenary Block were constructed to facilitate to the needs of the locality. Master Santhosh Kumar of 2000 batch secured fourth rank in the state and received the cash award from the Honarable former Chief Minister Mr. N. Chandra Babu Naidu. The school was awarded the best school in Nalgonda Dist. on 15th November 2000, by ITRROD. The principal Rev.Bro.Prathap Reddy was specially honoured in Hyderabad. St. Alphonsus’ organized IX MONTFORT OLYMPIAD AND CULTURAL FESTIVAL and lifted up the runner’s trophy.
In the year 2005 Rev.Bro. Vincent Mendonza took over the reigns of the institution. We are greatly privileged to have a dynamic, versatile and an unique Principal along with the highly innovative Vice Pincipal Rev.Bro. Vincent Reddy and a senior and pious brother Bro. Peter. They have raised the school not only in stature but also in reputation. The school has grown to a strength of more than 2,500 students with 85 teaching and Non-teaching staff. Rev.Bro.Vincent Mendonza instantly and spontaneously recognizes the talent and potential in every staff and student and tries to bring the best out of them. He encourages the students in the field of science and technology. To meet the present day challenges in Information and Technology, a separate computer lab for primary section was constructed and provided with 35 computers to impart computer education to the primary students from 1st standard onwards. Many of the young scientists of this institution participated at various levels like District, State, Zonal and National Level Science fair and brought laurels to the institution.
Montfortian youth leadership in society – MYLS was launched in our school in November 2005 in order to inculcate and nurture leadership qualities among the students of high school. Every year a new batch of VIII class students are inducted in to MYLS
We, at St.Alphonsus’ were given a rare privilege of hosting the XXIX National Montfort Games & Sports events and we did it very proudly and successfully for the newly born Pune Province. More than 20 institutions participated in the tournament and brought laurels to their respective institutions. Sri.Damodhar Reddy, Honarable Former Minister for IT & Comm.,Youth services & Sports, A.P as Chief Guest graced the Valedictory function. The school main entrance was modified, beautified and made spacious enough for the convenience of the parents and the students. Our beloved senior brother Rev.Bro.Peter’s golden jubilee of his religious life was celebrated in a grand and prayerful atmosphere inviting priests and religious in and around Nalgonda. We are very fortunate to have Rev.Bro. Peter with us. A person with simplicity, humility and spiritually personified.
The school main entrance was modified, beautified and made spacious enough for the convenience of the parents and the students. Our beloved senior brother Rev.Bro.Peter’s golden jubilee of his religious life was celebrated in a grand and prayerful atmosphere inviting priests and religious in and around Nalgonda. We are very fortunate to have Rev.Bro. Peter with us. A person with simplicity, humility and spiritually personified. A new block was constructed by joining primary and high school buildings to facilitate and accommodate the additional sections of the primary on 10th June 2008. Our beloved Bishop Rt. Rev. Govindu Joji blessed the new building along with Rev. Fr. Kaspa Reddy and Rev. Fr. Innaiah. Rev. Bro. K.M.Joseph, Provincial Superior, Hyderabad Province inaugurated the new block namely Montfort Block. More than 50% of SSC students of the present and previous batches have come out with flying colours by securing 500 above marks in the public examinations and were accorded fee concession in the well sought after colleges of the state. Master B. Sandeep Reddy topped the school with 568/600 marks in the S.S.C. Examination – 2009. The school has been organizing the career guidance programme for the SSC students by inviting the eminent personalities from varies fields of education on subjects of academic interest for outstanding achievements at various levels. On-line guest lecture and seminars are also provided to the students. Under the auspices of the Literary, Cultural, Fine arts, Maths and science, Games and Sports, Social Environment and Language clubs, our students continue to participated in a number of state level and Inter-school competitions and bring laurels to the school. To reiterate the competition spirit, our students put in their best in the Montfort literary and cultural competitions under the banner MONTQUEST – 2008 and MONTRYST – 2009 and St. Alphonsus’ bagged consecutively the Overall RUNNERS-UP trophies.We have a well equipped library, laboratory and a computer lab each for primary and high school.
The school provides the educational opportunities to girls on par with boys and it encourages their participation in all its activities as a means of preparation to meet the challenges of life, which await them. There have been a lot of regular and healthy interactions between the management, staff and the parents. To promote the spirit of oneness and harmony and to instill in the heart and minds, the spirit of patriotism in the students the National festivals are celebrated with due honour. Spectacular displays have been put up the students in the parade grounds sharing the joy of celebrations that have made the public awe-struck at the rhythm and grandeur of St.Alphonsus’ students. The Guru pujothsava and the children’s day are the most memorable events. The humble beginning of the institution; the way it has blossomed to its present standing state under the able stewardship of eminent Directors and Brothers, the wholesome education that our illustrious teachers have been imparting, the loyalty and the affection of all our students past and present, the encouragement and the support of the parents and the public all bear an ample testimony to the lasting impression our institution has carved one and all.
May God Almighty continue to shower upon us His choicest blessings and grant us new vigour, wisdom and vision as we march forward in the pursuit of nobler and loftier ideals with greater devotion and dedication.