Yoga, NCC, Scouts & Guides
Regular Yoga classes are organized to develop physical fitness, stress control and mental clarity. “It is great to die for one’s country but it is much greater to live and work for its progress”. So, N.C.C. and Scouts are being trained regularly under the able guidance of military Personal and our teachers to inculcate patriotism in the hearts of the young students.
“Service becomes truly meaningful only when it is rendered to the poor and needy.” Every year 50 students of class VIII have been inducted into MYLS (Montfortian Youth Leadership in Society). They are provided with input sessions on leadership and personality development and motivated them towards the responsibility to serve the poor and needy.
SAYS – St. Alphonsus’ Young Scientist forum
SAYS means St. Alphonsus’ Young Scientist forum which was introduced in the year 2010. The main objective of this forum is to inculcate the scientific temper in the students and create interest in science. Science has proved the prime position of students in every age and every society. A renewed estimation of the latent potentiality of students would definitely prompt us to affirm that students are the stream of history, they are the cream of society and the dream of future. They have to be trained for effective scientific leadership, because the world’s destiny lies in their hands. A great scientist is the one who through his life and service makes the world a better place and influences all the people all the times. C.V Raman, H.G. Koharama and Srinivasa Ramanujan’s services are remarkable in the field of science and technology. Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam also rendered his services in the field of space. If one wished to be a scientist, he /she should sacrifice oneself to serve the society.
Every year a band of 60 students of class VI join in this club. This enables the students to imbibe scientific outlook and develop scientific temper and helps them to choose their carrier as a scientist.
All students are grouped into four houses named after the National leaders namely Gandhi, Nehru, Shastri and Tagore. House-wise Competitions and various events are organized periodically among members of each house and they strive and compete in a healthy atmosphere to see that their house gets the top position.
Aiming at an all – round development, the school has many Clubs namely LITERARY, CULTURAL, FINE ARTS, MATHS AND SCIENCE, SPORTS AND GAMES, SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT AND LANGUAGE CLUBS train the students in the art of public speaking. Competitions are conducted to develop their literary and cultural talents and also aim at developing the scientific and aesthetic sense in the students.
Sports are an integral part of our curriculum and are regarded as an important academic component. We firmly believe that lessons learnt on the playfield in “life skills” such as team work, leadership, fair play and humility, go a long way towards building the kind of citizen that the country so badly requires.
Sports and games are organized in shifts so that every boy and girl gets an opportunity to play and train under an expert’s eye. Every teacher is encouraged to be present at games time because very often a very different aspect of a students’ personality is revealed on the playfield. The School is provided with adequate space for outdoor sports like, Basketball, Football, Volley ball and Athletics, etc. Also indoor games like carroms, chess etc are given due encouragement. We participate in every major inter-school tournament and also take part in school games federation tournaments.