The silver coloured twilight at the horizon promises a silver day ahead in the long and testing years of the birth and growth of St.Alphonsus’ High School. Though the euphoria and adulation have not yet died down.
Society of Montfort Brothers of St. Garbiel found by St. Louis Marie De Montfort in France in 1705. Since then, it has spread to thirty countries and is engaged in the mission of education. The organization therefore caters to the educational needs of not only children and youth in normal academic school but also imparts technical education, education for deaf, the dumb and the blind, the physically and mentally handicapped and engages in village uplift activities and social works especially among the down trodden and the marginalized. Montfortian education chooses for the total development of the youth. They are helped to discover their God given talents and work towards their fullest development in order to place them at the service of the society. It seeks to enable the young to search for the truth by training them to analyse reality, from critical judgements, search for solutions and work out a synthesis.